Select 문을 한개씩 실행해 보아라.
왜 그럴까?
with temp as
select cast( '' as char(3)) as tt from dual
union all
select cast( '123' as char(3)) from dual
--select * from temp where tt like '%'
select * from temp where nvl(tt,'asdf') like '%'
with temp as
select cast( '' as varchar2(3)) as tt from dual
union all
select cast( '123' as varchar2(3)) from dual
--select * from temp where tt like '%'
select * from temp where nvl(tt,'11') like '%'
with temp as
select cast( '' as int) as tt from dual
union all
select cast( '123' as int) from dual
--select * from temp where tt like '%'
select * from temp where nvl(tt,1) like '%'
그렇다면 MS-SQL은 ?
with temp as
select cast( '' as varchar(3)) as tt
union all
select cast( '123' as varchar(3))
select * from temp where tt like '%'
--select * from temp where isnull(tt,' ') like '%'
with temp as
select cast( '' as char(3)) as tt
union all
select cast( '123' as char(3))
select * from temp where tt like '%'
--select * from temp where isnull(tt,' ') like '%'
결론은 ms sql은 상관없다는 거.